Monday, July 28, 2008

I'm Batman!

I'll echo everyone else's praise for Heath Ledger's Joker--amazing. Saturday afternoon I drove down to Tacoma and hung out with Josh for a bit. He's got the new Guitar Hero: Aerosmith Edition, and the Run DMC songs are tiiiight, gold chain and all, baby!

We tossed the disc at the rotunda in his apartment complex for a bit, then decided the new batman movie would be a good call. But not before seeing the Batman movie from a few years ago. He just so happened to have the other Batman movie, so we watched that for two hours, then went to The Dark Knight for a combined total of about six hours of Batman. I kept thinking The Dark Knight would end, but it just kept going. Six hours is a little too much Batman for me, but it is the first "a-thon" I have done in quite a while. I've wanted to do the LoTR trilogy in one sitting, but have never worked up the butt-cheek muscle.

In between watching the first Batman and the newest Batman movies, we watched the new Angry Video Game Nerd video trying to tackle all of the Batman video games from Commodore 64 to Sega, that guy is hilarious:

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Blogger Matt said...

Almost bought GH Aerosmith but opted to rent it first. Good thing I did - it's a game that only diehard Aerosmith fans & Joe Perry's mother could still stand after two weeks. Although "Living On The Edge" is pretty fun to play.

Also, at this point, I'm pretty much ready to fight anyone who still says Jack was a better Joker even after seeing TDK.

2:20 PM  

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