Monday, April 16, 2007


So apparently Hannah Teeter had knee surgery between the above gold medal run and now, because she crutched herself into the fracture clinic today. She's pretty much always got a smile on her face, which is an interesting way to live life. I guess if I was in her shoes I'd be smiling all the time too! I didn't realize she won the gold medal in Torino, but I did recognize her from her various X-games medals.

I thought she either had a thing for me, or kept staring at my funny-looking hair cut. Then I did some you-tubing and found out that she's just got a very intense stare and is always smiling at people--oh well! A bit on the young side for me anyways...

Got to talk to Brandon for a bit today on gchat, I guess that anus is getting a free-ride for almost all of the holdem events at this year's WSOP. And I *think* I secured a room in his rented out mansion for a few nights if I come down to visit. Is there a blogger tourney during the WSOP???

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