Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Power... Overwhelming!!!

That's right, toss in an old Protoss Archon quote for all my dorks out there. Pushup Challenge 2.0 is in full swing, and doing 100 push ups a day is starting to get easy. I'm not sure if I mentioned it before, but instead of just doing 100 a day, I decided to add one each day, so today my quota is 106. This new addition to the challenge--adding one push up every day--adds another element to betting on when I drop dead and don't meet my daily quota. Pick a day, and if I can make it past that day, you donate money to charity--simple as that. You specify the amount and the charity, but for God's sake! Give me some incentive to keep this challenge going!

In Bankroll Challenge news, I won! I couldn't believe it either! Waffles was wrong, and bells rang from here to China in celebration. Waffles is actually talking about joining us for our next challenge, which I think the good doctor should set up. I'm not sure if this is a good month for it--it works for me, especially because my bankroll shot down to $60 over the last two days of play. I've also got tons of time to play, which could really be a bad thing if the last bankroll challenge has any bearing on this one.

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