Friday, June 02, 2006

Throughout history, the winners of wars are the ones who get to rewrite history. The winners get to hide secrets of their past, they get to recreate history by destroying the truth. Legacies vanish when rulers fall.

Many truths have been hidden by corrupt victors, but in rare occurances those truths are too strong to stay lost forever...


"Crassus!" the young girl shrieked.

Crassus was well-known in his village of Venince, just outside of the growing empire of Rome. He had a reputation for being a speaker and guardian of truth. His father was a librarian and scholar in the most well-known library in the world. Gems from around the world were collected to make up the world's largest gathering of ancient literature. Some of the earliest known hyroglyphs from Scandanavia to Egypt had been moved to Pov Jubile' for safe-keeping.



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